Alone in Triptych About Alone in Triptych is an alternately thrilling, disturbing and darkly humorous play that investigates the hidden connections between three people linked by their aloneness. On their journeys of self-discovery, mythology collides with the modern...
Imperia Saves the World About Imperia, Save the World: ‘Cause Baby, No Worry, No Funk, Time to be Sunshine Drunk is a play with music and songs, incorporating puppets, video & projections, and starring: Imperia, a fictional goddess; Margaret Thatcher; Winnie...
She Who Burns: Le Cirque du Wonder World About She Who Burns: Le Cirque du Wonder World is a circus play in four acts. It incorporates circus acts, burlesque and a vast array of gender bending as it examines identity in the 21st Century; it is a very loose adaptation...
WanderLUSTers present “Acthtung Grimm!” About In Wanderlusters Present “Achtung Grimm!” jobless circus stars stage the Brothers Grimm tales. A mix of comedy, song, dance, puppets and a lot of attitude make for a brilliant rediscovery of the Germanic tales. From Snow...
Haunted Sailor About The Haunted Sailor was performed in July 2000 as part of the Judson House Project (a performance project produced by the Peculiar Works Project honoring the history of the Judson House building before its pending demolition, August 2000). THE BUZZ...
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