Concrete Temple Theatre is a not-for-profit company.
Tax-deductible donations should be made payable to
“Concrete Temple Theatre”
and mailed to: Concrete Temple Theatre, 211 East 14th Street #10, New York, NY 10003
We accept credit card payments via our PayPal account.
Use this link to make your donation now.
Concrete Temple Theatre is a not-for-profit, tax exempt, 501(c)(3) organization serving New York City and New York State as well as national and international communities. Contributions made to Concrete Temple Theatre are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Thank you!
Our Supporters

Paul Adams
Anna Adinolfi
Lina Adinolfi
Matteo Adinolfi
Jonathan Bank
Susan Besse
In memory of:
Bonnie Blackwell & Joel
Blickstein, Polly Chill
and Kate Blickstein
In memory of:
Howard Brandston
Linda Briggs
Maureen Broderick
AhYoung Cho & SeungJae
Mary Conable and Norman
Christina Consiglio
Cynthia Corsiglia and Ali Hocek
Kathy DeGuise
Laura DeGuise
Ron Fisher
Stefan Hagen:
In memory of Dr. Ulrich
Guendalina Herminghaus
Cheryl Henson
Jane Henson Foundation
Maria Grande
Christopher Hurt:
In memory of James Hurt
Richard and Barbara Holt
Dan and Susan Kemp
In memory: Iris Lannin
Nancy Larrew
Jonathan Lasker
Michelle Locke and
Larry Reisman
Nello McDaniel and
Mary Giudici McDaniel
Amy Merrill
In memory: Marge Miller
Meg Mongin
In Memory: Stan Mongin
Michael Nash
Al and Mary Novissimo
Edward Osborne
Carol Ostrow
Sara Pearson and Patrik Widrig
Charlie Platt and Judy Hunter
Catherine Porter and Barry Rowell
Barbara Probst
Marc Silverman and Lili White
Sally Sykes and Bruce Wylie
Todd Wiener
Jennifer Williams
Tom Wirtshafter
Anonymous Donor

Pam Arciero
Min Adinolfi
Mike Aguirre & Sarah Norris
Carol Allen
Hugh & Renate Aller
Mimi Amari
Hailee Anderson
Michelle Andrews
Ashley Monet Andrews
Elaine Attias
Laura Anderson Barbata
James Blaszko
Eric Beauzay
Paul Beck
Suzanne Bennett
Stacey Berkheimer
Barbara Binder
Craig Bishop
Kate and Lynn Blickstein
Wray Bowling
Diane Boyle
Melanie Brandston
Kate Browne
Keith Buchanan
Marylouise Burke
Thaylin and Laura Burns
Emily Cantrell
Eugene Caprioglio and Paule
Frances Carl
Stephen Carl
Samantha Carlin
Chris Casey
Sean Casey
Myrel Chernick
Paul Chill
Mi Sun Choi
Tom & Juliet Corbett
Hye Young Chyun
Janet Clancy
Ellie Covan
Kenton Christian
Amanda Cooper
Karl Couvillon
Dc Cymbalista
Claire Davies
Lori Dawson
Renata de Georgio
Ken Dingledine and TC Chou
Brigid Donohue
Laura Dowling Shea
Jeanne Drevas and Carl Alpin
Erica Eby
Dick Emerson
Julie Evans
Leslie Evans
Tom Faulkner and Brenda Husson
Edward Field and Neil Derrick
Harry Feiner
Sally Fenley
Pam and Jim Finney
Gail Feinstein
Leila and David Fisher
Marshall Fisher and Mileta Roe
Ed Fletcher
Sandy and Jim Fitzpatrick
Lewis Flinn
Tad Flynn
Benedikt Frie
Tera Hong
Tim Gallagher
Denis Gawley
Shelby Jiggetts-Tivony
Donald Gellert & Elaine Koss
Edward Gianfrancesco
Debra Gitterman
Robin Glazer
Bob Goldberg and Katia Righetti
Gillien Goll
Charles Graytok
Michael Grazino
Steve Gross
Jan Michael Hanvik
David Harris
Holly Harrison and Jim McManus
Pat Hickman and Gail Hovey
Micki Hobson
Priscilla Holbrook
Linda Howard McCarthy
Cynthia Hurst Downing
Tamzin Hutchinson
Craig Jaster and Karen Gregg
Judi Jennings
Nick Johnson
Brandon Judell
Kerin Lyn Kaminski
Stan Katz
Laura Kenna
John Kilgore
Sook Kim & Jun Nyeong Huh
Sondra Kitchen
Helena and Robert Judd
Deborah Kinney
Bruno Krauchthaler
Vicki Kurtz & Ben Manley
Dolores La Guardia
Sarah Lambert
Caitlin Langstaff
Iris Lannin
Louise Lapointe
Patricia Laurence
Chet Leonard
Ralph Lewis
Jeffrey Levitsky and Laurie Posner
Donna London-Hamilton
Paola and Lucio Luzzatto
Jeffrey Macklis
Greg MacPherson
Ann Maddox
Debbie Magouirk
Alberta Manzardo
Shari Manzardo
Alexis Marnel
Amy Rose Marsh
Bruce Maza
Andrea Martinez
Cindi McCutchen
Abbie and Glen McLain
Linda and Doug McLennan
Casey McLain
Leslie Lynn Meeker
Freida Mock
Ruth Moe
Matthew Moss
Pauline Mroczynski
Christopher Murphy
Bruce and Mary Nieuwenhuis
Janice Nieuwenhuis
Kristin Nieuwenhuis
Ruth & Eric Nightengale
Maureen O’Hara
Jennnifer Ortega
Jorge Ortoll
Laura and Michael Pawel
Deena Pewtheren
Anne Phelan
Dominic Philippi
Jerry and Mary Lou Philippi
Kristen and Joe Phillips
Michael Putnam and Melody Lawrence
Martina Radwan
Stephanie Ramirez
Joe Rapp
Daniel Ravelo
Susan Reither
Colin Rennie
Mark Roberts and Lise M. Rehwaldt
Bryen Shannon
James and Jessie Sharp
Laura Shea
George and Tanya Sherman
James Shearwood
Joan Shigekawa
Yasmeen Siddiqui & Matthew
Marina Siniscalco
John Sowle and Steven Patterson
Walter Stark
Jane Stein
Abe Sumiko
Jordan Swisher
Howard Thoresen
Ellen Thurston
Nomi Tichman
Brenda and John Van Ness
Michelle Vice and Family
Stewart Wagner
Sherry Weaver- Chetrit and
Ellis Edmonds
Phillipa Wehle
Susan Westfall
Robin Whitehouse
Laird Williamson
Nancy Wonch
Regina Wray
Allan Yashin
Barbara Yoshida
Margaret Yuen
Mona Zamdmer

Jane Abramson
Carol Adinolfi
Austin Andrews
Anastassiya Andrianova
Alex Aristy
Barbara Ashwood
Izzy B
Lindsey Ball
Bachman Family
Robert Bangiola
Esther and Elmer Bendiner
Martha Benson
Ali Blacker
Kathryn Blume
Dolores and Walter Brabbs
Sharon Lee Brackett
Z Briggs and Chad Williams
Janet Bryant
Megan Brians
d’Arci Bruno
Allyn Burrows
Kiebpoli Calnek
Maria Camia
Colin Campbell
Audrey Cefaly
Nina Chill
Carl Chnielewski
Emily Christian
Jeanne Clark
Alice Eve Cohen
Elizabeth Cohen
Stephen Cohen
Trudi Cohen & John Bell
Rachel Colbert
Kevin Confoy and Jody Wright
Mike Corbett
Frankie Cordero
Emily Davis
Frank Deal
Fran DeGuise
Jon Diaz
John Dillion
Frank DiMaiolo
Bob Doyle
Grazyna Drabik
Jessica DuLong
Stephen Earnhart
Donovan Entekin
Joan Evans
Susan Evans
Leo Farley
Harry Feiner
Joe Feliciano
Sandra Fitzpatrick
Sandra Franck
Matthew Freeman
Klaus Friese
Christine Fulton
Joleen Furches
Georgia and Stephen Galanoudis
Brandon Gamm
Abigail Gampel and David Bornstein
Lyndsay Jane Garval
Robert Gaskill
Maggie Gayford
Ernie Gilbert
Fern Gnesin
Carolyn Gillespie
Mark Goetz
Vladimir Golosiy
George Gore III
Ahmet Semitt Gork
Samantha Grant
Mara Greenberg
Michael Griffiths
Kevin Hale
Emma Halpern
Jenny Hann
Roger Hanna
Jan and John Hartranft
Kathleen Harty
Matt Haslam
Patricia Haslam
Megan Haungs
Walter Holland
Helen Hoyt
Khader Humied
Dan Hurlin and Kazu Nakamura
Meuryn Iorwerth
Cynthia Jankowski
Bill Jeng
Monica Lerch
Sook Jin Jo and Peter Lewis
Chris Johnson
Herb Jue
Irwin Kaplan
Christopher Karow
Kevin Kaukl
Jo Kellman
Don Ketteler
Kevin King
Lisa Kitchens
Courtney Kochuba
Sherri Kotimsky
Mopsy Kowal
Claude LaPointe
Jens Larson
Rosemary Lee
Arielle Lever
Jonathan Levy
Henry Leyva
Lisa Kitchens
Laura Livingston
Elise Long
Mark Loewenstern
Simon Lunn
Stefano Luzzatto
Leat Klingman
Cecilia Macfarlane
Carol Mammano
Tara Manthey
Fiona Marcotty
Jacqueline Margolis
Samantha Mascali
Joyce Mehess
Wendy Merritt
Gretchen Michelfeld
Jack Minore
Liz Minsky
Danny Moilanen
Renée Molina
Ashley Monet
Tim Moon
Linda Moxam
Carrie Morris
Doug Mueller
Stephanie Murphey
Kellen Myers
Erin Neeley Archuleta
Erinina Ness
Aki Nikolaidis
Deborah Nitzberg
Megan O’Brien
Matthew Osmon
Marcia Osofsky
Marc Palmieri
Anton Pavlov
Carlo Pellegrini
Alexander Perez
Lawrence and Elizabeth Philippi
David Pinkard
Adam and Judy Pinsker
Kinga Piotrowska
Barista Powers
Kayla Prestel
Jerry Raik
Chris Randolph
Joel Rash
Ray Recht
Rachel Reilly
Sandra Repash
Josh Rice
Holly Richards
Vicki Riddle
Karli Robertson
Justino Rodriguez
Betsy Rosen
Ariel Rosen-Brown
Terry Sanders
Angelica Santomauro
Pete Sawyer
Chris Schofield
Cecilia Schmidt
Michael Sheafe
Emily Sheftman
Gina Siepel
Lake Simons
Theodora Skipitares
Zdenko Slobodnik
Phyllis Smoller
Robin Smythe
Jori Stadnyck
Mary Ruth Strzeszewski
Michael Steekler
Anneli Strassler
Sean Struck
Melanie Sutherland
Marion Sutter
Mark Symczak
Lois Joseph Tasse
Kate Taylor
Ryan Brooke Taylor
Sarie Teichman
Beatrice Terry
David Thomson
Hagen Tilp
Michael Tomlinson
Sarah Tran
Courtney Tuck
Clifton and Linda Turner
Sonya Van Bortel
Abbie Van Nostrand
Robert Varley
Antonio Vazquez
Karen Vera
Christine Verzuh
Ludovica Villarhauser
Ronald Vodicka and Anne Rippey
Bob Wallace
Carola and Guy Walton
Markus Waschewsky
Chris Wasser
Evelyn Watford
Eric Weitz
Susanne Wessler
Delbert Willard
Marty Wilson
Jessica Wisniewski
John Worland
Louis Worth
Monika Wuhrer
Katie Young
Peter Young
Laura Young-Siri
Mark and Dana Zeller
Institutional Support
A.R.T./New York – Creative
Space Grant,
support by the Mellon
A.R.T./New York – The Edith Lutyens &
Norman Bel Geddes Fund
A.R.T./New York – Nancy
Quinn Fund Grant
Arts at St. Ann’s Puppet Lab
Arts Alive Grant, Westchester
Arts Council
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
chashama AREA Award
Dime Community Bank Fund
for NYC Theatres, a program
of A.R.T./New York
Dixon Place
The Flea Theatre
The Hellen Plummer Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Hudson Opera House
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation
Grant through USArtists
International in partnership
with the National Endowment
for the Arts and
the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The Jerome Foundation
Cheryl Henson Fund
Jim Henson Foundation –
Project and Seed Grants
Lower Manhattan Cultural
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council/
Fund for Creative Communities
H. Mirzoff & Sons Foundation, Inc.
Nantucket Historical
New York State Council
on the Arts
New York City Department
of Cultural Affairs
Pleasantville Rotary Club
Set Shop
Sirovich Senior Center
Alfred P Sloan/EST Science
Project Commission
S. Department of State
Federal Assistance Award
Workspace for Choreographers
WQXR/WNYC Star Initiative
In Kind Gifts
Min Adinolfi
Eric Beauzay
Vera Beren
Keith Buchanan
Bill and Jane Carpenter
Laura DeGuise
Sam Ellis
Lewis Flinn
Vladimir Golosiy
Stefan Hagen
Holly Harrison
Andrew Kemp
Greg MacPherson
Abbie and Glenn McLain
Lisi and Gary Miller
Scott Morfee
Matthew Moss
Eric Nightengale
Jennifer Ortega
Dominic Philippi
Larry & Beth Philippi
David Pinkard
Kip Pothanas
Martina Radwan
Siri Rico
Don Robinson
Sloane Tanen
Ellen Thurston
Jennifer and Phil Tippin
Janna Weinstein
78th Street Theatre Lab
Barrow Street Theatre
Capital Scenic Inc
Elite Musik Group
The Grisly Pear
Fontanas Bar
Hudson Opera House
Materials for the Arts
Peculiar Works Project
Sarah Lawrence College
Workspace For Choreographers