Ernie’s Secret Life


Ernie’s Secret Life is an episodic odyssey, fusing ever-changing puppetry and stagecraft with humor, music, and a raw understanding of our profound collective reality. Sparked by the isolation and turmoil of our time, Ernie’s Secret Life is a story of discovery for all. A man fearing something has happened to his son, builds a canoe and secretly sets off to find him. What he finds instead – is himself. Powered by a wondrous landscape-in-motion, the play is about escaping and then finding your way… a celebration of how we become who we want to be.

Writer & Director: Renee Philippi
Puppetry & Set Design: Carlo Adinolfi
Original Music: Joe Phillips
Dramaturg and Lighting & Sound Design: Eric Nightengale
Costumes: Laura Anderson Barbata
Associate Director: Emily Batsford
Associate Director & Puppet Consultant: J Hann
Production Stage Manager: Max Mooney    
Performers: Carlo Adinolfi, Emily Batsford, Tau Bennett, Kirk Bixby, Camille Leigh Cooper, J Hann, Kasper Klop, Betsy Rosen, and Kezia Tyson
Construction Crew: Victor Ayala, Camille Cooper, Stefan Hagen, J Hann, and Kevin Hale
Publicist: John Wyszniewski, Everyman Agency,

Special Thanks to the following people and organizations for helping to support the development of Ernie’s Secret Life: Ellie Covan, Dixon Place, J Hann, Mery Cheung, Krystal Wilson, Samantha Sing, Eunji Lim, Amphibian Stage, Kathleen Culebro, La MaMa Puppet Slam, Cathy Shaw, Spoke the Hub, Elise Long, Hudson Eye, Jonah Bokaer, and Rob Lariviere.


June 2024
New York State Puppet Festival, Perry, NY

January 2024
Premiere, Dixon Place, New York, NY

May 2023
PATCH Residency, The Jim Henson Foundation, Carriage House, NYC

November 2021
Director’s Choice, Spoke the Hub, Brooklyn, NY (In Process Excerpt)

September 2021
Hudson Eye Festival, Hudson, NY (In Process Excerpt)

July 2021
Residency Presentation, Amphibian Stage, Fort Worth, TX (In Process Excerpt)

June 2021
Local Produce, Spoke the Hub, Gowanus, NY (In Process Excerpt)

January 2021
Video Stream, Spoke the Hub, Brooklyn, NY (In Process Excerpt)

December 2020
La MaMa Puppetry Slam Live Stream, NYC (In Process Excerpt)

October 2020
On-the-Street (Bowery and Rivington)
Dixon Place and Peculiar Works, NYC (In Process Excerpt)


“…paper and cardboard, paint and wire, tie line and plastic sheeting — in the hands of Concrete Temple, all those things have their own enchanting secret life!”
“Wonderful…evocative simplicity!”
“Fantastical…totally charming!”
“Adinolfi’s scrappy, ingeniously engineered puppets… are a great delight!”

“The huge, fun bonus is the production itself. Both Writer/Director Renee Philippi and Puppetry/Scenic master Carlo Adinolfi has brought a fantasy world to life in this blend of live-action, puppetry, and creative scenic design…the audience is consistently entertained with new visuals.”
“If you are open to theater that makes you think, and explore well after the show has ended, then “Ernie’s Secret Life” might be for you!”

“Exploring the Polar Icecaps of the Heart”
“…the show keeps us in its pocket through puppet magic and the soft-spoken charm and plaintive determination of Adinolfi’s Ernie.”
“Ernie’s Secret Life tells of the heroic quest of an ordinary Ernie who, armed with nothing but a map, a homemade rowboat, and some pluck, achieves a kind of rescue of the self – something we all needed amid the pandemic.”
“Ernie’s Secret Life from Concrete Temple Theatre warms the heart and sparks the sense of wonder.”

“For 65 minutes you’ll be transported inside another person’s childlike and surreal, quirky and dreamy imagination. It is awash in vibrant color and sound creating a mesmerizing and charming experience all at once.”
“Ernie uses various stage techniques, adding to the overall magical element while infusing humor and delicate moments of introspection. It rides a fine line between raw emotion and sentimentality, achieving an authentic, shared experience with the audience.”
